The background of Aiki Energy WG being established as a local energy project is strongly influenced by my (Kaz’s) upbringing. In this blog, I would like to share the process of how my upbringing is connected to this project. Through this, I hope that readers will understand my vision and the significance of this project, and possibly support us in making it successful.

The Aiki Energy Project aims to utilize energy conversion processes that are often wasted in daily life, such as biological digestion, solar energy, and combustion, to create a regionally circular energy supply system. To achieve this system, it is crucial that data on regional energy demands, climate, land characteristics, and local culture is openly available.

This data should not be used for the benefit of specific organizations or individuals, but rather to ensure that all forms of life can engage in sustainable activities. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain transparency, objectivity, and public accessibility for this data.

The role of Aiki Energy WG is to organize this data and develop applications and APIs that make it accessible to everyone. Additionally, we aim to support the implementation and operation of local energy systems and share the outcomes. By doing so, we hope to enable others who resonate with this project to undertake similar initiatives in their own communities.

The reason I came to these ideas lies in my experiences from childhood. I grew up with a sense of crisis instilled by the people around me, including the belief that “if you can’t adapt to your environment and become self-sufficient, you won’t be able to survive.” I have always felt it is essential to think about what is happening in society, why the current social system continues to function, and how we should act if this system were to shut down, while also making an effort to verify the truth of information on my own.

The establishment of Aiki Energy WG is, in my view, an inevitable result of my own experiences and learnings. In future blog posts, I plan to delve deeper into the thoughts and plans underlying this project, while also sharing insights into my upbringing and the social background.